DMK Enzyme Therapy

What is DMK Enzyme Therapy?

DMK is a paramedical skin revision system that is designed to work at the very heart of the skin, changing the skin at a cellular level. DMK's signature treatment, Enzyme Therapy, works to enhance optimal skin function by working with internal systems to visibly increase circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage.

The process encourages the back flushing of the cells to clear toxins and free radicals whilst delivering fresh nutrients to living cells all whilst stimulating collagen production. Enzyme therapy stimulates collagen production, restoring structural integrity back to the skin. Suitable for all skin conditions such as ageing skin, sun damage, pigmentation, acne, congestion, rosacea and sensitivity.

Enzyme therapy treatments improve the skins ability to function by dissolving dead cells and impurities trapped in the skin. This in turn restores vital cellular nutrition and oxygenation required for cellular regeneration.Where some cosmetic facial treatments may only act on the surface of the skin, DMK Enzyme Treatments work with the skin. The enzymes aim to strengthen the structural integrity of the skin to create a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive in. Post treatment your skin will appear hydrated, plump and glowing.

Each treatment is customised to your individual skin goals by our highly trained professional DMK therapists.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Enzyme Therapy can be performed on any client therefore unless you have reached the stage of some more intense treatments (such as Hydradermaze or Alkaline) there is no real preparation needed. In saying this, your skin will respond better to treatments if you are using DMK skincare at home already whilst also taking recommended supplements (such as EFA’s) to work on your skin from the inside out. For more advanced treatments some homecare adjustments may need to be adhered to prior to stepping up to stronger treatment systems.

How should I look after my skin post treatment?

Immediately post treatment your skin may be a little red and you can also show what we call a “plasmatic effect”. This is a red network of capillaries that show up on the skins surface. This effect will subside within about half an hour following your treatment.

Approximately 3-5 days post DMK Enzyme Therapy you may experience some mild flaking of the skin that you may mistake for dryness. We recommend performing a light exfoliation of skin to remove the dead cells.

As a new client it is vital that we look at you holistically, to determine the best way forward with a treatment program and home care prescription, so that together we can reach your skin goals.

The starting point for introducing the skin to enzyme therapy, is Enzyme level 1 which is one of our most popular treatments.If you have any further questions regarding your DMK Enzyme treatment please follow up by contacting your Melissa Jean skin therapist by replying to this e-mail or calling the salon on 0249614333.

Melissa Charters